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Training and Scoring Knowledge Book

1. Training Status

1.1. What is my Training Status?

Please check your most recent email from MI about the next step in finalizing the Onboarding process (see Onboarding Part B in the Application and Hiring Knowledge Book). You can also go to the Job Portal, click on Returning Candidates, and follow the directions. Be sure to use the email address to which all MyStaffingPro (MSP) correspondence is sent. This is the email that is in your current MyStaffingPro (MSP) profile.



Training Process

Action Required

Step 8

Invitation to join a project sent 2 to 4 weeks before start date

Measurement Incorporated sends invitation with link to accept/decline specific project offer. Qualified and Returning Readers accept invitation and provide shift and time zone information or decline invitation. (See Chapters 1.1. and 1.2. of this Knowledge Book.)

Step 9

Complete Form I-9 - Sections 1 and 2, if required (First work assignment of the year only)

Qualified and Returning Readers that accept their FIRST work assignment of the scoring season receive email to begin WorkBright I-9 process if required. (See all of Chapter 2 of this Knowledge Book for more information.)

Step 10

Confirmation of Work Assignment

Qualified and Returning Readers receive confirmation of accepted work assignment and important information to prepare for training. 

Step 11

Login Credentials sent

All Readers receive an email from ScoringUserManagement@measinc.com that provides login credentials for MI Scoring and Training platform (MIRA). 

Step 12a

Training Assignment Email sent: Register for Payroll System (New Readers Only)

Qualified Readers and Returning Readers receive a Training Assignment Email. Qualified Readers are instructed to set up an account in MI’s payroll system (Paycor), add Direct Deposit, and update tax forms, if needed. Returning Readers are asked to update Paycor information now, if needed.

Step 12b

Training Assignment Email sent: Training Information


The Training Assignment Email also provides specific details about training and instructions for downloading MI Scoring and Training platform (MIRA) to All Readers.

Step 13

Training begins

All Readers install MI Scoring and Training platform (MIRA). All Readers use MIRA credentials to log into the system and start training.


1.2. Where is my invitation?

Once you receive notice of your eligibility and shift preference, you are ready to receive invitations to a project assignment (Step 8 of the Training Process).

Note: If you have not added “mystaffingpro.com” to your safe sender's list you may miss invitations to future work assignments.

Invitations to accept or decline a specific project assignment will typically be issued 2 to 4 weeks before the project requires Readers. Limited positions are available in January and February. Most specific project invitations will not arrive before mid-March, at the earliest.

All invitations to projects come with a corresponding questionnaire that includes the option of accepting or declining the assignment based on the project requirements outlined in the job description. We encourage you to bookmark or print the job description of each project assignment you are offered so you complete the corresponding questionnaire appropriately.

Please note: Positions are offered first to Returning Readers with solid accuracy and production statistics. Measurement Incorporated cannot guarantee that all available Readers will be offered a project assignment, but we do encourage you to check your email periodically as the scope of our projects and the demand for work can change.



1.3. What happens if I decline my invitation?

If you decline the offered invitation, you may not receive another job offer as a Remote Reader during that scoring season. This is particularly true if you are declining a job offer made after May. If you become available later in the scoring season or want to change your decision, please Submit a HelpSpot request to be reconsidered for a project assignment.

Note: If you declined a specific project job offer due to your availability, you will receive a “Not Qualified” message. Regardless of this message – you are still eligible for future project invitations.



2. Filling out your I-9 Form

2.1. Introduction

Measurement Incorporated is partnered with WorkBright, a third-party I-9 system, to provide a simpler and faster Form I-9 process. Be sure to add “workbright.com” to your safe sender's list so you do not miss any correspondence sent by the company.

Please note that this process will require the use of a Smartphone. Both you and the Authorized Representative that will help you complete the I-9 process will need a smartphone. If you do not own or have access to a smartphone or do not wish to acquire one for this process, please do not accept a project assignment from Measurement Incorporated.

Seasonal employees are required to have a completed Form I-9 to work each scoring season. In many cases, a completed Form I-9 with a verified start date is good for three years but there are exceptions. Below is an explanation of our current I-9 process:

  • If you completed Section 1 and Section 2 of Form I-9 with one of these documents or a receipt of a List B or List C document
    • that is NOT due to expire within a three-year period from the date you completed Form I-9 and
    • you worked (received any amount of pay) during 2022 or 2023

you DO NOT have to do anything to work on your next assignment.

  • If you completed Section 1 and Section 2 of Form I-9 with one of these documentsor a receipt of a List B or List C document, and
    • you worked (received any amount of pay) during 2022 or 2023 and
    • the document HAS expired since you last worked

you will NOT have to complete a new Form I-9 but you MUST provide an updated document to work on your next assignment. (see below for additional information)

  • If you completed Section 1 and Section 2 of Form I-9 in 2022 or 2023 and
    • you did not work during the year the form was completed

you MUST complete a new Form I-9 to work on your next assignment.

Receipts of newly requested List A, List B, and List C documents can be used during the Form I-9 process, but the use of a receipt does not constitute completion of the I-9 process. When those receipts expire, only the official List A, List B, or List B document may be used to complete the I-9 process. This expiration date may occur at any time during a scoring season. If you are required to present this documentation, you will be provided with instructions. 

Measurement Incorporated reserves the right to require any seasonal employee to complete the Form I-9 process during any scoring season despite the explanations provided above.


2.2. What is an Authorized Representative?

Your Authorized Representative can be anyone 18 years of age or older. They may be a friend, colleague, member of your church, neighbor, or any other adult known to you who can verify your identifying documents are not expired and correspond to your identity.

There is NO legal liability for the person who acts as your Authorized Representative. Such a person simply witnesses that your documents are authentic (as far as they can tell) and belong to you. Only Measurement Incorporated will be held liable for any mistakes or fraud.



2.3. When do I have to complete the I-9 form?

If you are required to complete the Form I-9 process, you will be sent a Measurement Incorporated notification via MyStaffingPro email after you accept your first work assignment of the scoring season. This notification will also include initial instructions to start the I-9 process. All other instructions for completing Form I-9 will come from the WorkBright system.

  • We ask that you complete the Form I-9 process prior to the start date of your first assignment of the season.
  • If you do not complete Section 1, Form I-9 by 4pm on the start date of your first assignment of the season, you will not be allowed to continue working on this assignment.
  • If you do not complete Section 1 and Section 2, Form I-9 within three days after the start date of your first assignment of the season, you will not be allowed to continue working on this assignment. For instance, if your assignment start date is a Monday, you will have until 4pm on Thursday of that week to complete Form I-9 in full. However, please note that you must complete Section 1, Form I-9 by 4pm on the start date of your first assignment of the season to be allowed this additional time to complete Form I-9 in full.
  • If you are removed from your first assignment of the year because you did not complete Section 1 by 4pm on the start date of your first assignment of the season OR your Form I-9 was not completed in full by 4pm within three days after the start of your first assignment of the year you will still be eligible to receive another assignment during the current scoring season. We will make every effort to provide you with a new assignment as soon as one becomes available. However, we cannot guarantee that a new assignment will be provided in the same scoring season.
  • If a new work assignment is provided to you and you accept that assignment, the same Form I-9 rules provided above apply. Note: Even if you are removed from your first work assignment because you did not complete Form I-9 on time, we suggest you complete this task. If you do, complete Form I-9 and you are provided a new assignment, your Form I-9 will be considered complete, and you will not have to complete an additional Form I-9 for this new assignment.


2.4. What is the WorkBright process?

Note: Please opt-in to the WorkBright text messaging service. This will make the process and corresponding instructions easier to follow and complete.

There are 2 sections to the I-9 process. Both sections must be finished before your I-9 is complete. We ask that you complete Form I-9 prior to the start date of the project.

You complete Section 1 by yourself, and Section 2 requires a third-party witness to your documents. You and your witness (Authorized Representative) will each need access to smartphones to receive text messages and complete this process.

There are NO hard copy forms to fill out. This process is ALL electronic.

Section 1:

You will receive notification from WorkBright to set up an account.

  • We urge you to log into WorkBright, set up your account, and complete all steps using a smartphone. A computer may be used for this step only, but using a smartphone will make the remaining steps in the process much easier. 
  • You may have an established account with WorkBright. If that is the case, you will log in with your username and password. If you have forgotten your WorkBright credentials, you will follow WorkBright’s instructions. Measurement Incorporated does not own the WorkBright system and cannot help you retrieve or reset your credentials. 

Enter your personal information correctly. Double-check your entries for date of birth and Social Security number.

    1. Select the type of document(s) you will use to prove identity and work authorization, e.g., Birth Certificate, Social Security Card, Passport. Click here to access a list of acceptable documents: Documents
    2. Using a smartphone, take a picture of the document(s).
    3. Once you complete Section 1 of Form I-9, a dedicated I-9 MI staff member will review your submission. If accepted, you will receive an email from WorkBright asking you to start the Section 2 process.
    4. If Section 1 of Form I-9 is rejected by a dedicated I-9 MI staff member, you will receive a notification with an explanation for why your submission was rejected.

Note: You have NOT completed the Form I-9 process after you have received notification that Section 1 was accepted. You must complete Section 2. However, you will not be completing Section 2 by yourself. You CANNOT sign Section 2. This is a violation of Form I-9 law and cannot be accepted. You must have an Authorized Representative to help you complete Section 2.

Section 2:

  1. You will receive a notification from WorkBright to begin Section 2. The notification provides a 3-step process and a link: “Start I-9 Verification.”
  2. Set up a time to meet with your Authorized Representative (AR) in person.
    1. The AR must have a smartphone to complete Section 2.
    2. The AR can be anyone 18 or older, including a friend, colleague, neighbor, roommate, or family member.
  3. Your Authorized Representative (AR) will verify your identifying documents.
    1. Using your smartphone, click on the “Start I-9 Verification” link.
    2. Share your location via smartphone. * You may be prompted to allow your phone to share its location with Measurement Incorporated. In order to continue please select “Allow” or “Yes.”
    3. Provide the cell phone number of your AR.
    4. The AR will receive a text that includes a link for them to click.
    5. The AR will share their location via smartphone. Your Authorized Representative may be prompted to allow their phone to share its location with Measurement Incorporated. In order to continue, they will need to select “Allow” or “Yes.”
    6. Photos of the documents you provided in Section 1 will appear on the AR’s smartphone.
    7. Show the AR the original documents.
    8. The AR clicks on “Photos Match” or “Photos Do Not Match.”
    9. The AR fills their name into the name fields and signs their name. Note: If an AR adds the MI employee’s name to the name fields that correspond to the signature, we have to consider that as the employee signing as their own agent even if the AR correctly signs the form.

*The WorkBright system must confirm that you and your Authorized Representative are in the same place during the Section 2 I-9 Verification process.

If you do not share your location via smartphone, you and/or your AR will have to scan a QR code as an alternative way to confirm your location. This may require the use of your cameras and/or installing a QR code application on your phones. We highly recommend that you allow your smartphone to share your location during this process to reduce the number of steps and possible errors during this process.

We suggest that you log into WorkBright periodically to view your status: WorkBright

You may miss an email from WorkBright prompting you to begin the Section 2 Authorized Representative review and verification process. However, if you are logged into the WorkBright system and you are at this step, there will be a message in red at the top of your screen letting you know if this step still needs to be completed. However, opting in and allowing text message notifications from the WorkBright system should eliminate this issue.

If you still have questions about this process or experience any technical difficulties, please Submit a HelpSpot request.

3. Pending Assignment

3.1. When will I receive a scoring/work assignment?

Once you have been sent an invitation to work on a specific project (content, shift, and time zone), accepted that invitation to work, and completed your Form I-9 (if required), you will receive an email with information about what to expect before the work assignment begins (Step 10 of the Training Process).

Closer to your training assignment date you will receive one email with your login credentials for the MI Scoring and Training Platform (MIRA) (Step 11 of the Training Process), and another email with specific details about your training assignment, a link to the installation of the MIRA platform, as well as information about registering for or making changes to your account in Paycor, MI’s payroll system (Step 12a and 12B of the Training Process). Please go to our Payroll Knowledge Book for more information about registering for a payroll account, setting up direct deposit, and how to make changes to tax forms and profile details.

If you have not received a training assignment email 2 business days before the start date(s) included in the job description/job offer, please contact us at HelpSpot. We value your willingness to work as a Reader/Evaluator on this upcoming scoring project!






3.2. What should I do if I am no longer available to work for MI?

If you have completed training, select the Scoring tab to contact your Team Leader (TL) using the Chat function to let scoring leadership know that you are no longer able to work on your current project or are no longer available to work for MI. If you have yet to complete training, submit a HelpSpot ticket.




4. Training Questions

4.1. How long is the training process for Remote Readers?

Your assignment email will give you the exact day to start training. Many projects allow 2-3 business days from the start date given in your assignment email to complete your assigned lesson(s). Others require more days. Our training application will periodically provide a notification regarding how much time you have to complete your lesson.

You will be locked out of the training application if you take too long to complete a lesson or group of lessons.  Please be aware that repeated lockouts may be cause for dismissal from the project, and you may not receive additional work assignments in the future.

For more information about the lockout system, please visit Chapters 1.5 and 1.6 of the Technical Knowledge Book.

We ask that you train within your selected shift and time zone as you complete the training. Training is self-guided, and your training assignment email will provide you with details if your training schedule is more (or less) flexible than your scoring schedule. 

The number of lessons varies with the content area, but your training schedule will provide you with enough time to complete all your assigned lessons.



4.2. Is this a paid training?

Yes. Measurement Incorporated will track your time and progress through your assigned lesson(s). You will need to log into the MIRA Scoring System and click on the Training tab to begin. Be sure you are logged out of the MIRA Scoring System when you are not training.





4.3. I can’t find my MIRA Username / Password

Remote Readers are sent their current username for the MIRA Scoring System in an email with measinc.com in the address. All Remote Readers will need to create a new password. Please see the Technical Knowledge Book and select 1.4. MIRA Password Requirements.

If you misplaced your username and/or are having difficulties with your password reset or log-in to the training/scoring system, please Submit a HelpSpot request, select “Technical Issues,” and choose “MIRA Username/Password.” 

Remember, your MIRA and Paycor login information is not interchangeable. Please use the correct password and username for the MIRA scoring system.

4.4. I’m having problems with my training lesson

  • If you have content questions, please Submit a HelpSpot request, select “Scoring or Training Process,” and choose the appropriate category.
  • If you have technical questions (i.e., cannot install the software, have problems reading the materials, or moving through the training lessons), please Submit a HelpSpot request, select “Technical Issues,” and choose the appropriate category.

4.5. Do I need to keep track of my work time while training and scoring?

Information and instructions about how your work time is tracked can be found in the Paycor Payroll System for Readers document attached to the training assignment email you receive. In it you will find information on:

  • Our timekeeping system
  • How to check your timecard for accuracy
  • How to report a time entry that is incorrect
  • How to edit personal information in Paycor
  • How to verify your Rate of Pay
  • How to print your payroll statements, add or change your Direct Deposit information, and submit new tax forms
  • Troubleshooting tips for Paycor

It is your responsibility to keep an accurate log of your work hours for reference, to review your timecard in Paycor for accuracy at least once a week, and to report any inaccuracies to our website for Remote Readers/Evaluators (HelpSpot).

4.6. When do I start scoring after training?

After you successfully complete the lesson(s) you were assigned, you are eligible to begin scoring IMMEDIATELY. You will NOT receive another email asking you to start scoring.

If there are no student responses available when you click the Scoring icon, send a MIRA chat to your Team Leader. Please also read the Out of Work Message on your dashboard when you log into MIRA to begin scoring, as the flow of student responses for particular items can vary.

4.7. What happens if I do not qualify on a training assignment?

If you have several lessons to train on, keep training. You will be able to score items for any training you successfully complete.

If you were given one training lesson, you may receive another project invitation if there are multiple scoring projects offered during a scoring season. However, we cannot guarantee that you will receive an additional assignment as we try to provide work to everyone who is ready and available to receive an invitation to work.

5. Scoring Scheduling Questions

5.1. What is the Scoring Schedule?

  • In 2024, Scoring Schedules cover a wide range of options. When you apply for work you are given 9 options for work shifts. You are asked for your shift choice again when you are sent a job offer to work on a specific project.
  • You may work within your time zone, but MIRA availability is based on Eastern Time.
  • Scoring system accessibility varies for every project. Available working hours will be stated in the job description for each project.
  • Some projects have very flexible working hours.
    • The scoring system (MIRA) is accessible from 7 am to 3 am Eastern Time Monday through Friday and Sunday Eastern Time. On Saturday, the scoring system (MIRA) is open from 7 am to midnight Eastern Time.
  • You are NOT permitted access to MIRA from Sunday 12 am to 7 am Eastern Time.

5.2. Schedule Limitations

  • Any restrictions to available working hours will be included in the job description for each project.
  • All project job offers come with a standard questionnaire that must be completed. You will be asked to select a shift and you will be asked to select from a range of hours you plan to work each week. Some projects will have shift restrictions and require a minimum number of hours to work each week.
  • If you cannot meet the project requirements, you will not be able to work on that specific project.
  • For specific scheduling information about the current project you are working on, please visit Chapter 2.2 of the General Knowledge Book.

5.3. Shift Changes and Absences

Shift Changes:

  • If your project has shift and/or minimum-hours-worked restrictions and you have a change in your schedule after you have accepted an invitation please Submit a Request at: HELPSPOT.


  • Generally, brief absences do not have to be reported to anyone if a project has a training and scoring window of 6-14 weeks; however, failing to report to work for over 2 weeks may result in dismissal from the project. You may be required to retrain before you can resume scoring.
  • Some projects are required to be completed within 2-4 weeks after the project starts. These projects tend to require regular attendance. In these cases, an absence of more than 4 working days will require retraining before you can resume scoring.
  • If you have an extended absence, please visit Chapter 2.2 of the General Knowledge Book to check on the status of the project you were working on as it may no longer be active.
  • To report an extended absence, please Submit a Request at: HELPSPOT.

6. Post Project Information

6.1. How can I receive employment verification?

Please go to Chapter 9 of the Payroll Knowledge Book for up-to-date information on receiving employment verification.

6.2. Does MI provide references?

Online scoring is part-time, seasonal work. Training is self-guided, and supervision is done through instant messaging. Because of the nature of this work and the limited contact with leadership, Measurement Incorporated does not provide professional references or recommendations for Remote Readers/Evaluators seeking work elsewhere. For more information, please go to the Payroll Knowledge Book, Chapter 9.4.